Monday, July 28, 2008

Bear His Light (7/25)

Written 7/25:
This has been an incredible week for me up here in Idyllwild. I have had so many spiritual moments, and I have also had a lot of fun hanging out with the people up here. God has been speaking to me in several ways. Firstly, through my book Captivating, which I finished last night. God has revealed to me that I need to love and respect my Mom. This has been reassured last night in our Bible study, which was directed at living a Christian life and setting an example in love. Now don't get me wrong, I love my Mom , but most of the time, I do not like being around her. I have been praying and asking God to reveal to me why I feel this way, so I can change it. I know it will not be an easy process, but I also know that with God, anything is possible. A second thing God has revealed to me was last night, through one of the employees up here, Julia. We had just finished group Bible study and Julia led us in worship. Then, she said she felt she was supposed to share something with us. She began to tell us how she wants to be like the donkey on Palm Sunday who carried Jesus on his back. At first, I was a bit puzzled, but then as she explained, I got goosebumps by the clearness of her vision. She said that the donkey got to be a part of a huge celebration, got to walk about and be fanned by the leaves. The donkey himself will not be remembered for anything, other than carrying Christ. No one will remember the color of the donkey, or the name- only his duty to carry Christ. Wow, what an amazing picture! God wants us to carry Him and His name around everywhere we go. People should not remember us, but the light we bear. Julia also said that we are like alabaster, or clay, boxes. Nothing beautiful to look at, but holding the greatest treasures inside. We are nothing special without Christ, and His treasure is irreplaceable. These thoughts stuck with me long after we had moved on to lighter subjects. Would people who know me say I am like that donkey, or the box? Do I really carry Christ and represent Him in my speech and life? I know God desires me to, and I pray I would grow and learn more of how to be an example for Christ. I think the first step I need to take is to be a godly daughter to my Mom. I pray God will give me the words and strength in the next week that I am home to make changes that will show my Mom how much I value and appreciate her. 

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