Thursday, July 17, 2008

Prayer Needed

Today was a good day, one of the best I've had in a while. And I can't even pinpoint exactly what it was that made today more superior than the ones I've been having. My day was filled mostly with watching old family videos, which were hysterical, playing tennis with my family, and watching a movie with my family. Something about watching those videos gave me a different perspective on my future, and past, today. How weird it must be for my Mom to have watched those videos with us today. For her, I'm sure it seems like only yesterday that we were so young and in need of her constant care. She has told me over and over that those were some of the happiest days of her life. She loves, as most women do, to be needed by her family. Looking at those videos today, I was overcome once again with what an amazing mother she has been,  and still is today. Sometime I lose complete sight of that, since I am no longer in the stage of my life where I need and rely on her for the minor and daily things in my life. But I realized today that I still do need her, maybe more importanly than ever. I need her for my future, and for my present life as well. I turn to her for all the major decisions in my life, and her advice is vital in all decisions I have made in the past. Looking at a younger version of myself and my siblings today, I was overcome at the huge responsibility motherhood is, and although I feel equipped to enter into that role someday, I know there are going to be a million questions to ask her daily about this medicine, and this and that. She is so wise and experienced, and  she loves us with such an unconditional and passionate love. Today I imagined for a moment what my future would be like if something were to happen to my mother, and the thought scared me, and made me realize how blessed I am by God. He has given me such an amazing mother, and one that I can look up to. That is why I ask for prayer today, for anyone who might be reading this. My Mom has been experiencing constant headaches for about 2 years now, and she finally went in to the doctor on Saturday for an MRI. The results came back today that there is some white mass spreading in her brain. The doctors are unsure of what it is, but he ruled out a tumor or cancer, which were my first and worst thoughts when my Mom told me this morning. Now, my Mom needs to go see a radiologist and find out what is causing the pain and spreading in her brain. I know God has this situation under control, and I pray that by finding out what is causing the pain in my Mom's head they will be able to treat it. It is still a bit unsettling, however, not to know what it is, and how potentially dangerous it could be. The Lord works all things out according to His plan, and I trust Him now as I always have. I just pray that He would ease my Mom's heart as well as she awaits the final verdict in this situation. She tends to worry extensively, and I pray that this time she would find a peace within herself from God to carry her through this situation. I think this whole situation will help me realize how blessed my life is, and how miniscule my problems are in comparison with others around me. God desires for me to be more concerned and focused on my Mom, and others suffering life- threatening or severe conditions, and not on my body and my self image. He is continuing to mold me into a more confident and outward focused person, rather than consumed with my own worldly thoughts and desires. And for that, I am so thankful for His molding. He is the potter, and I strive everyday to be flexible enough to be His clay. Whatever He desires to make me into, I pray I will be willing to comply. 

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