Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun to Frusturation

     I just got back from an amazing weekend in the mountains backpacking with my Dad. It was awesome weather, campsites, and hiking all around. We left Friday afternoon, camped a few miles up the trail Friday night, hiked to the top of Mt. San Jacinto Saturday, and then hiked down today. It was an incredible time of reflection and relaxation for me, in the midst of the humid uphill hiking, and it was great to get to spend time with and talk  to my Dad. We are so much alike in so many ways, and talking to him gives me so much insight into my own life and my own personality and flaws. Thankfully, we didn't talk about my weight or exercising at all, which was a nice reprieve, but we did talk a lot about the Bible, God, relationships, and my future. Being in the mountains was such a peaceful experience for me, and coming back to real life is a bit of a bummer. I wish I could stay up there all the time, but reality must come into play at some time. Unfortunately, from about the moment I got home, the problems with my Mom started up again. It is so frusturating for me, and for her I imagine, how we can't get along. I admit, I am a bit closed with her, because I feel she is so hard to talk to, and our personalities are so opposite. But I think God is revealing to me that I need to work past these problems and get to the root of why my Mom and I can't live in harmony with one another. She was upset today because my Dad and I hadn't called her when we got to our campsite Friday night. We tried about 5 times, but there was no reception. She went on to say that we never think about her, and all the other arguments and emotions that come out whenever conflict arises. I think God really needs to help me to learn how to relate to my Mom, and how to comfort and reassure her that yes, I do think about and love her. But honestly, only with God's help will I be able to make any progress. 
     On a happier note, today is my sister Cari's 14th birthday, and we are all going out to dinner and church tonight to celebrate. I can't believe she is 14 already! I am so thankful to be here with her to help celebrate this happy day. Cari and I have gotten a lot closer this summer, and we have spent a lot more time together, talking and playing games, and everything else. It will be a lot harder for me to say goodbye to her in a few weeks than it has been in the past, but I am so thankful God has opened up our relationship into something much deeper. If only He could help my Mom and I.

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