Friday, July 11, 2008

Renounce the Agreements

Today I am up in Idyllwild working at the summer camp I worked at last summer. For some reason, this place always reconnects me with God in amazing way, and today is no exception. I think it is probably the mountains that surround the camp, and the quiet times I get to have without distractions with the Lord. As I was doing my devotion a few minutes ago, I read part of the book I am in called "Captivating" that hit me right where I was at today. The author was saying that we have to renounce the agreements we have made with the world. She gave an example prayer that said, "Jesus, forgive me for embracing these lies. This is not what you have said to me. You said I am your daughter, your beloved, your cherished one. I renounce the arguments I made with the world in thinking I am not pretty enough/ skinny enough. I renounce the agreements I've been making with these messages for years. Bring the truth here, oh Spirit of truth, I reject these lies." I realized as I read this how true it is for me. I have come to believe that society is correct in its skewed image of beauty, and if I don't fit it then I must not be beautiful. The world and worldly things have had a much stronger hold on me than I wanted to admit. Now, however, God is showing me that these messages are wrong. God made everyone different, and we are not all destined to be model- skinny. He created us beautifully in His image, and He thinks we are perfectly made. His opinion is the only one that matters, I thank God that I am now starting to understand and appreciate the worth I have in Christ Jesus. Once I realize this worth I know I will be able to pass the knowledge and understanding He has taught me on to others, and that will be an even greater blessing. (Written Wednesday, 7/9) 

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