Wednesday, July 2, 2008


At the moment, I feel as if I am in captivity. Satan currently has a strong hold on many aspects of my life, and up until the other day, I had been denying it for some time. As much as I wanted to make excuses for myself and admit that I had all matters, especially one, under control, I didn't, and I definitely don't today. God has been working on my heart for sometime, and I know now that He was trying to get me to admit that what I thought was control was actually obsession. Where I crossed the line and let satan take control of my life, I don't know, but now I find myself at a strange crossroads. I have to choose whether to fight against satan and resist what he is telling me, and listen to what God and my parents are saying. Up until yesterday, I laughed at my parent's worries and concerns, but last night and today, in the midst of my tears and wild run of emotions, I know that they were right all along. My view of myself and my life are skewed, and God has and is continuing to make that clear to me, with time. It will definitely be a long process for me, and a tough one not to fall back into, but I know God can help me through anything, especially this. He desires for me to be free of obsessions and captivity so I can fully serve Him. I don't want anything holding me back, and at the moment, this area of my life definitely is. The argument I had with my parents and my emotional breakdown are both too fresh in my mind currently to write any specifics on my situation, but eventually I will be able to. If you are reading this, please pray for me and my convictions. I want to hear God's voice speaking to my heart, and not have the devil and his lies be in the way. I plan on writing a lot more about this issue, and any others. It is so freeing for me to get my thoughts and emotions out onto paper. Thanks for reading 

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