Friday, August 1, 2008

Leaving Menifee

So today is my last day in Menifee, and I am both sad and excited. I am so excited to be back in Chico with my friends, and to have my best friend Amy moving up with me. I know God has a lot in store for me this upcoming year, and I am excited to start and see where He leads me! At the same time, I am sad to be leaving home. My sister and I have gotten so close this summer, and I know it will be hard on both of us to be apart for so long. Although my Mom and I have had a lot of difficult moments this summer, I feel like we are ending on a good note, which is what I hoped and prayed for. I went to the beach Wednesday with two of my longtime high school friends, and that was amazing. I got to talk to both of them and connect spiritually, and that is also what I had been praying for. So, in a lot of ways, I feel like this is a good time for me to transition from Menifee to Chico. God has taught me so much this summer, and although it has not been the most fun-filled or exciting time ever, I think it was necessary for my growth and development, both spiritually and physically. God has revealed Himself to me in ways that I never could have imagined, and I feel equipped and ready to start a new chapter of Chico life, one that will be guided and filled fully with Christ. 
Being with my family this summer has left me, as I said, with mixed emotions. I feel like a part of me cannot wait to be free of the strictness that is unavoidable when I am home with them, and have my own freedom. The other part of me is a bit scared to be completely on my own, 10 hours from home. This year will be so much easier for me, now that I have a strong friend base in Chico, but it is still the first time I will be completely self- sufficient. My parents gave me the money that was in my college fund, so now I am handling my finances completely too, which is a bit overwhelming. I guess this is what adulthood feels like, and although I am excited at the thought, there is a part of me that still wishes for the innocence of childhood. But, all good things must come to an end, and I am so ready for this next step in my life. The only thing I feel like I have left to do in Menifee is...SKYDIVING TODAY!!!!!! Woo hoo I am going skydiving with my Grandpa today for his 75th birthday and I am stoked! Please pray we have a safe jump! 

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