Thursday, August 14, 2008


I discovered today there is a difference between being content and being complacent. God tells us over and over again not to be complacent, or stuck in where we are. He wants us to branch out and find new things, try new things, and take chances for His sake. But, I think He also wants us to be content with where He has us currently in our lives. That is definitely something I struggle with often, and today I feel frusturated by it. For example, when I was home with my family, I wanted to be in Chico, and now that I've been in Chico for a little while, I want to be back home again. I feel like I should be able to be content and happy wherever God places me, but it is much harder for me to do than I imagined it would be. I feel like I am always seeking and searching for what I don't have, and I am sick of it. I want God to be in control of my life completely, and I want to feel full confidence in what He is doing in my life.
Relationship wise, for example, I have always been a bit challenged. When I begin to have feelings for someone, I get excited and want to spend time with them get to know them, and have me like them back. But as soon as I feel that they do in fact feel the same way, my feelings change, and it is no longer a chase, or a challenge. Up until recently, that had happened several times for me, but now I see the opposite way as well. If someone I like shows interest, and then begins to show a lack of interest once again, then I am once again intrigued and challenged. I don't think this is the way God wanted relationships to be, and I have been praying earnestly that He would change my views of this, and help me to be able to realize a healthy relationship when one comes my way.
I know this process of being content with what God has blessed me with, but still keeping myself from becoming complacent in my faith will be a process that takes time. God is faithful, however, and I am sure that He will guide me and help me find a perfect balance in this area, as in all others in my life. Until then, I pray I would not ruin relationships or anything else along the way!

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