Friday, August 8, 2008

Beautiful Day

Today definitely was a beautiful day. Some friends and I decided to go to Bear Hole in upper Bidwell park for part of the afternoon, and it was amazing. Not only was there a surplus of rocks to jump off of into the creek, we also ended up having a Bible study and prayer session. Being outdoors in God's creations, reading His Word and praying for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ was an amazing feeling. God definitely is stirring up new desires in me to make the most of every opportunity that presents itself to me. God wants us to do all for His glory, and today I feel like I did. It could have just been a fun time to hang out with my friends at the creek, go swimming and talk about nothing in particular, but instead, we turned it into a time that strengthened all of us, both in our relationships with Christ and with each other. This is a very unique time in our lives when we have time to do things like this, and time to sit around and talk abut God. When I thought about college, I always pictured people sitting around having great philosophical discussions, but now that I am submerged in a college atmosphere, I want to look back and say I had amazing spiritual discussions with people close to me, and also that I shared my faith with those around me. God does not call us only to have meaningless and comfortable friendships with those around us, but to truly know the heart of our friends, their struggles and joys, problems and triumphs, and be able to pray and read the Bible with them through eery circumstance. This is truly what I want for the upcoming year. I want my friends to know they can turn to me with any problem that arises, and I will be there. God has called us to be brothers and sisters in Christ, and I think of that as a duty to one another, to grow and to love. I pray God will continue to fill me with these desires, and that I will be able to pass them on to others. For now, I pray I will have many days like today, where an ordinary day can turn into a beautiful day :0)

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