Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today felt like a day of progress! I definitely feel as if I am slowly, but surely, learning how to overcome satan's power in my life, and it feels amazing. I am now at the goal weight that I am supposed to be at, or almost there, and I feel good about it. I know that 5 pounds is not going to make a difference looks wise, but it may be a good change for my health. I think it was overcoming those anxious and worldly feelings about the number of pounds I weighed. I know now that if it benefits my health in the long term, then it is definitely worth gaining extra weight. I feel as if I have come so far in such a short time, and it feels so uplifting. After the draining and depressed week that I had previous to this weekend, it is great to feel as if I am letting God take control of my life, and not leaving it to satan. Tonight, at about 10:00, I was even able to eat a big bowl of cereal and not feel guilty about it being late and being too many calories before bed. I realize now that God does not want me to live this way. Yes, He wants me to be healthy and eat a healthy and balanced diet, but it should not consume my thoughts too much, or limit what I do and eat all the time. Everything in moderation should be the motto I use more often that my previous one of you don't need to eat that. My brain has been so trained into saying that over and over to myself, and denying my body the calories that it needs to function at its peak level. God is definitely opening my eyes to His plans for me, and I can already tell how great and glorifying they are going to be. I don't want my mind to be consumed with thoughts of food and how to limit fat and calories, but on God and how to serve Him best! 

1 comment:

Jordan said...

YAY! This is really good to hear!, I've been praying for you and I'm glad you're starting to see yourself more in the way others see you. You are a beautiful woman of God and a lot of people care about you.
