Saturday, August 2, 2008

Live Like You Were Dying

So I went skydiving yesterday, for the second time, and it was amazing. Although the entire process took 4 hours, and it was about 110 degrees out, it was still an incredible experience, and one that I am quickly becoming addicted to! Yesterday was my Grandpa Larry's 75th birthday, and he said he would go skydiving with me! So, we made an appointment for 2:00 PM. When we got there, we signed all kinds of paperwork to ensure that we wouldn't sue the company or anything like that. Then began the waiting. I was thinking we would make our jump at about 3:30 or so, and I had told my Mom and other family members to arrive around 3 or 3:15 to be sure they didn't miss it. Well, to make a long story short, we did not jump until about 5:30. My Grandpa was actually fairly patient through the entire ordeal, which does not usually happen. It was such a fun experience this time, as opposed to New Zealand, because I had 10 people watching me on the ground who were all my relatives and could wave and cheer. Also, this time when I jumped out, my instructor did about 10 flips through our freefall, which made it much different and faster! It was so fun to be able to do something so unique and fun with my Grandpa. After the jump, we went out to eat at this mexican place nearby, and I became overcome with sadness. As I sat next to Cari, my sister, I was hit by the fact that I would no longer be seeing her everyday. After we ate, my Dad and I took off for Mammoth Lakes, after saying goodbye. My Mom and I actually ended on a good note, which is what I had been praying for all along. My aunt and uncle from New Zealand are staying here, and so we are here until tomorrow morning.
On the way up here last night, my Dad and I had a lot of time to talk. We talked a lot about my Mom and the problems that seem to come up and develop often. As we were talking, a reality hit me. My Mom is such a worrier that she runs her life and her decisions based on her fears. I never want to be like that, and my Mom will never figure out why that is. My Mom and I will never be able to fully understand each other. But as I was listening to my Dad, I realized that I want my life to be spontaneous and God-led. I want to do things like go to Europe, try opening a restaurant, move to a foreign country, learn how to skydive on my own, and countless other things. My Mom will never understand why I want to do all these things, but I think we have come to the point where we realize how different we are, and can accept it. I know God has not called me to have a normal, similar life. He has placed such a desire on my heart to do unique things, and go different places. I would love to be so connected with Christ that I know where He want me to go, and what He desires for me to do. I pray that I will be able to follow the desires and plans that God has for me. For now, I feel God is calling me to Chico, and I feel He has a lot He wants me to accomplish while I am in Chico. After that, I have so many desires that I don't even know how I will be able to sort through it, but I know God will help me!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yeah for skydiving!

I am so jealous of you (In a good way though)