Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sorry it has bee na while since I last had time to write! These past three weeks have been crazy, but in an incredibly good way! God has been opening so many doors, and I feel He is giving me energy I never knew that I had to accomplish the tasks He has placed in front of me. CRU began two weeks ago, and we are having our third meeting tonight. God has blessed us with a large group this year, and I pray that they will all continue to come, even as the weeks and months go by. Also, small groups have begun, which has opened up another door of business for me. Being a co-leader, I was asked to help make all of the new freshman and transfer students in CRU feel welcome, but especially in my own Bible study. There are about 20 girls, and I have had the opportunity to talk to all of them at one point or another. Now, I am trying to build and deepen relationships even more by askign them out for coffee, or lunch. It has been amazing, and such a growing experience for me so far, and I pray that it continues to be in the future as well.
Classes have been going extremely well also. I dropped one of the classes I was initially signed up for, which means that I am only enrolled in 14 units, which is the least I have ever taken. It is amazing though, and I have been blessed so far with only minimum amounts of homework. I am also enjoying the classes I am taking, which helps make them oh so much more bearable. God has definitely blessed me in allowing me not to have too much homework to occupy my evenings and weekends, which makes much more time for social events.
As far as spiritually, I feel I have been doing ok. Not as well as I would like to be doing, but I have definitely been feeling God moving. I have not put enough time and effort into making time for God daily, which is something I feel I need to do more of, but I am working daily to try and set aside more time. I find that if I do my devotion first thing in the morning, I am more productive and focused all day long. If I wait until night time, I am usually too tired, or just don't feel like putting my remaining time and energy into deciphering the Bible. I am so blessed, though, because God has allowed me to be part of CRU's discipleship this semester, which ivolves me have a Bible study weekly with the CRU female leaders. We have only had one meeting so far, but it was so refreshing, and I can tell it is going to be a much needed time when I can be filled up by those Godly women God has placed in my life. I am also glad because the group I am in is very small, there are only 2 of us and then the leaders, which I really enjoy. I find I can connect so much more, and on so much more of a deeper level when I am only surrounded with a few people, than if it was a larger group.
CRU, school, and work are taking up the majority of my time, but I have also had so many opportunities to have fun, go hiking, go jet skiing, hang out with friends, and countless other things. This year is beginning to seem like a repeat of last year, only better and more comfortable, since I feel establishes now and able to step out and follow where God is leading me this year. My only concern is that I am taking on too much, as always, but so far I have been ok. Thankfully, I am managing my time pretty well, and for that I feel so grateful! God is good, and He provides and meets all of our needs! Have a blessed day :0)

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